When Do Kids Learn
Certain Words?

Design and Development
Project Overview
Wordbank, an open database of children's vocabulary development, provides a way for people to generate analyses of vocabulary growth for different groups of children. Through its dataset, we can answer question like, "how many kids are reported to pronounce mommy or alligator at 16 months?"
My Contributions
I generated the data visualization by D3.js. The web page is built from scratch, using HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Out of my own curiosity, I explore some interesting "words", such as love and hate, that are earliest or latest learned in English. I use monochromatic color scheme to represent the percentage of kids producing certain words.

For example, 93% of 16-month-old kids can pronounce "mommy", which is represented by a darker orange color. However, only around 3% of kids at 16 months can pronounce "alligator", which is represented by a lighter orange color.
Personal Project
Design and Development
Oct 2019